5 Ways to Reduce the Appearance of Under-Eye Bags With Makeup

5 Ways to Reduce the Appearance of Under-Eye Bags With Makeup

Learn how to get rid of baggy eyes with these tips.

If you’re struggling with puffiness in your under-eye area, the last thing you want to hear is that you can’t permanently get rid of under-eye bags. While it’s true that maintaining a good skin care routine can help, there’s some under-eye puffiness that even the most flawless skin care routine can’t banish.

While it’s annoying, we have some good news — you can always rely on makeup to help blur the appearance of puffiness and dark circles in the under-eye area. Along with that, there are lifestyle practices you can adopt, like getting a full night’s sleep and using face tools that can also help to ease puffiness. Below, we’re sharing more about bags under eyes, including what causes eye bags, how to conceal under-eye bags with makeup and a few science-backed ways to help reduce the appearance of under-eye bags.

What Causes Under-Eye Bags?

According to the Mayo Clinic, under-eye bags occur when the tissue structures and muscles supporting your eyelids weaken. Fluid can also collect in the hollows of your under-eyes, which manifests as puffiness. These things are caused and worsened by aging, lack of sleep, genetics, fluid retention and allergies. This is why late nights and salty food can lead to a puffy face the next morning.

How to Conceal Under-Eye Bags with Makeup

Unfortunately, you can’t permanently conceal under-eye bags and dark circles, but makeup can be used to temporarily reduce their appearance. Below, we’re sharing how to use concealer to hide puffiness under your eyes.

  1. De-Puff

Before reaching for your makeup bag, try to de-puff your under-eyes with your favorite face tool. A gua sha tool or jade roller will suffice, all you have to do is work the tool gently across your under-eyes to boost circulation and promote lymphatic drainage, both of which will help to soothe any puffiness. If you don’t have a face tool, stick a spoon in the fridge and lightly draw it across your eye area, moving towards your hairline.

  1. Apply Eye Cream

You might be thinking that eye cream isn’t makeup and you’re right. But the first step to concealing the under-eye area is to ensure the skin is smooth and hydrated so the concealer applies seamlessly.

  1. Color Correct

Under-eye bags are often accompanied by dark circles or hyperpigmentation due to blood pooling in the area, which can appear purple or blue in color. To counteract this darkness, start by applying a color-correcting concealer.

If you have light to medium skin, peach sits opposite of blue and purple on the color wheel, meaning it works to neutralize darkness. If you have a deep skin tone, a deeper orange shade will work best for you as it sits across from deep blue on the color wheel. Apply a light dot of color-correcting concealer onto the darkest area under your eyes and gently tap with your ring finger, blending it into your skin.

  1. Conceal

When trying to conceal puffiness, it’s important to find the balance between a concealer with significant coverage and one with hydrating benefits. A concealer that’s too dry will emphasize texture under your eyes.

Tip: For a natural brightening effect, select a concealer that’s one or two shades lighter than your actual shade to highlight your under-eyes.

  1. Lightly Set with Powder

Because under-eye bags are often textured (think dryness and fine lines), part of the goal in concealing them is to minimize texture to fake a smoother appearance. Texture can be enhanced by dryness, but it can also be enhanced by an overly dewy finish or creasing concealer. To prevent this without causing excess dryness, dust a bit of a translucent powder onto the area with a fluffy brush to set the concealer and slightly mattify the finish.

Via: Lorealparisusa.com

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