How to Prep Your Skin for Makeup Application
Foundation makeup is just what it sounds like — it’s the foundation for an even complexion and a base for the rest of your makeup. But the truth is, the proper skin prep might just be even more foundational to a great makeup look than the product itself.
You may have discovered the foundation of your dreams, but if you’re not preparing your skin for makeup application, the product won’t look as flattering as it could. So, we’re sharing what you need to know about prepping your skin for makeup so that your makeup look is both beautiful and long lasting. We’re breaking it down in five easy to follow steps.
1. Cleanse Your Skin
2. Exfoliate to Smooth Skin Texture
3. Apply Moisturizer
4. Exfoliate and Moisturize Your Lips
5. Smooth On a Primer That Suits Your Needs
Source: L'Oréal